If I had one superpower it would be the ability to listen perfectly. Equally important as stopping bullets and saving speeding trains from crashing, listening can have a similar effect on the human race. It can help bridge gaps of indifference and help mend wounds of injustice. This is critical to help mitigate the many conflicts that our society is experiencing.
How can we hone in on our listening superpower? Most people refer to good listening as active listening. Active implies action. To be a good listener, individuals must take some sort of action. Conversely, poor listeners react, causing them to be on the defense, which can increase conflict.
So what action can we take to listen better? First, build a desire to listen better. The desire to listen should be equally as important as the desire to be heard. When you listen to others, you are showing them that you care about them. Even if all you did was listen without necessarily agreeing, you are showing others that they are important enough for you to take the time to listen to them.
Second, create a safe space for conversations to take place, especially for more difficult conversations. People are more likely to discuss difficult problems when they feel they can do so safely. Find time to eliminate distractions, so individuals can speak his or her mind without constant interruptions. Eliminating distractions communicates to others that they are important enough to you to silence your phone or close your door.
Equally important as creating a physical safe space for conversations is creating a safe, emotional space. It takes courage for people to take initiative to speak up. As such, it is important to not reprimand individuals when they voice concerns that are different from your own personal views.
I understand that instantly improving your listening skills may not be on your list of top priorities due to the complexity of it. This article is not intended to be a solve- all solution. However, I believe that even the most complex skills can be achieved through small and simple steps. Increasing desire and creating a safe space for listening are two small steps that may prove beneficial. Even the smallest steps can be a positive direction toward a better society.